We are customer service specialists and recognised early on that the sales channel is a crucial entry point for your company. As we have been doing for more than 20 years with other large and medium-sized companies – reliably and honestly – we support you in using this channel optimally. To do this, we analyse your sales processes and business procedures in a first step directly on site in your daily business. Then we work with you to develop goals and concrete strategies based on the given individual requirements of your company. This does not only involve advisory activities. We offer you our extensive expertise, provide you with a wide range of methods and lead your company to the top together with you.

The following services in the area of sales support are available to you through Schacht Consulting in order to raise your potential:

  • Proposal preparation
  • Offer presentations
  • Contract negotiations
  • Interim sales
  • Lead generation
  • Sales management
  • Key account management
  • Development of a sales strategy

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